Understanding Policies Within Ad Placement

Google serves the right to bring all users attention to a segment titled ‘Encouraging Accidental Clicks’. Before suggesting placing a text-link ad close to any navigation buttons, for instance (home, menu or other secondary pages) this is strictly against the handbook. As far as Google Terms Of Services go, encouraging any accidental clicks on ads is forbidden. Furthermore this action can cause any contract you have associated with Google to be terminated as well as the removal or deletion of your site(s).

Why is this rule so strongly supported? Well visitors are meant to roam freely throughout a site without any indication about needing to click on an ad. Clicking on an ad has to be of a visitors own doing. Not in anyway from the influence of the website owner.

To dig a bit deeper, no arrows, lines or any form of directional point can be directed at the ad itself. Because within law this acts as a guiding system by suggesting a user to click on the ad. Again nothing flashy or drawing the eye towards the ad. Some have expressed an unwavering disapproval because in some instances, a website owner may inadvertently place a bit of flashy animation next to the ad without thinking twice. Even more so, paying attention, following Google’s Terms of Service by checking with the policy placement section should give anyone a great idea about what not to do with the placement of their ads.

What Google’s policy upholds is a significant factor in the user’s pure enjoyment/positive website experience. Without hassle or floating ads which happens to not only be annoying but highly unnecessary.

One other great section that has been described in detail is possible alignment with other images, as if to hide the ad in between images. Not only is this confusing to a positive user experience but slightly vindictive.

Do not misinform any of the users who visit your site. Not only have these users become loyal to the content you provide to them but no one wants to fall into a bullied system where clicking on ads is the only reason the site has been started in the first place. Respect the policies, even comb through the bullet points to reaffirm exactly what should be done and what should not.

To further explain, some sites point out that once an ad is clicked on you could be working/saving or contributing to a cause. Never associate a probable cause with cost per click. An immediate suspension of the site holder will be enforced.

Any misleading information pertaining ad placement should be as followed:

  • No content that mimics ad placement.
  • No CPC’s which are offering any form of payment to the user.
  • No suggesting to click on an ad for any reason.
  • No highlighting, drawing attention or hiding text-link ads within navigation links.
  • No secondary pages that actually turn out to be a cover for clicking on an ad.
  • And especially no site should contain more ads than the content provided.



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