Mobile ads are still in the early stages of development. Even though mobile apps are far and wide because virtually anyone and everyone on the planet has a mobile device…Google has only now come to terms with CPC’s achieving status on mobile ads.
What would be some positive aspects? Income for advertisers and investors will skyrocket. Not to mention that Google is zoning in on location details. Meaning even if a few individuals click on a product description CPC within location (Google Maps) but decide to buy a certain product in a store. Even though the product was not bought online, that CPC is going to grant a double whammy profit simply because of CPC location. Sounds a bit futuristic right? Well that is exactly where we are headed. Yet in the long run this could ideally help out ‘Mom and Pop’ businesses who have adjusted to getting on the app bandwagon.
Ad size, one would not think about the project detail about ad size via a mobile device. Which is probably why Google wants to finally tackle this aspect head on. Instead of coming across those game ads on some app you’ve recently installed, Google is issuing out a way to officially customize and conform ad space to look clean cut. No more overstuffed bright neon banners.
Now for the possible downside…long-tail keywords. Yes, long-tail keywords are now the “in” advantage point. Once advertiser’s complained about the lack of character usage within ad space, Google came in with an answer. That is by doubling the intended character space, one even equals out to 80 characters for a proper description. By gifting an ad with the right description and long-tail keywords, sadly anyone looking to have a singular concrete organic follower flow…will not work out for you. This idea works solely based around Google and any search advertisers.
For some this next bit of information may add a bit of paranoia. Okay, with the contest between in-store buying verses online buying….Google has decided to step up their game and start tracking once a CPC ad happens to be close to location; in which that said individual has clicked upon that CPC then gone to a nearby store for some sort of purchase. Ideally there, in the advertising world this is pure gold. However, in terms of too close to being monitored or spied on seems to have a few individuals riled up.
Who knew the mobile ad universe was as complex or conflicted. Actually everyone guessed right, otherwise mobile ads would be far more advanced and used. So…who is going to benefit from all of this knowledge, publishers. Either small business owners to a well known blogger who has started to sell their own brand. Yet a few tricks and kinks need to be worked out (thanks to Google) before the conversation about mobile ads appears into our virtually reality. Nevertheless publishers will gain a swell increase to their revenue… so keep a look out.
Man holding up a mobile phone
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