The amount of Adsense myths circulating around the web is substantial. Many are talked about on Adsense message boards or in general. However, have you fallen victim to an Google Adsense myth and do not even know about it? Below we will share a select few.
Consistent Visitors Means Business
Now becoming caught up with the in-flow of traffic means ignoring the recurring users who have essentially become followers. What many do not know is the fact based reasoning, these regular visitors are the higher percentage that will click on ads. Because a site or blog is receiving thousands of users…does not mean any of them will click on an ad. Yet those loyal soon to be customers will.
Will You Be Rolling In Millions?
Make that a big fact of no. The only reason certain blogs, video blogs, etc have earned an increased pay raise, because they did their homework. With image ads, in link ads and text ads at their disposal; finding correct sections as well as locations on their site to display them. This equals out to a series of smart sales tactics. Brands, logos, etc sells. Publishers will want to invest in the best of the best. Quality more than likely over quantity. No one wants to backup a site full of nonsense or too many topics.
Adsense Does Favor’s Sites
Gathered around numerous searches many believe that Google Adsense tends to display a reward system by giving these individuals a higher rank. Nowhere near true. Basically the more biological material being produced gives a leading advantage in this area. Organic is key to the Google Adsense system. No one has gained an influx of traffic, this is simply down to the process of the curator. Instead of suspecting Google awarding them, ask for a few tips instead.
Google Has Closed Down Users Without A Single Word
As far as some individuals will go to point the blame away from themselves, here is another bogus myth. In fact Google will automatically notify any curator of an indecent online presence. Whatever may be the cause (graphic images, mis-use of ads, etc…) the account will be deleted. Although Google believes in second chances, if one can prove that no wrong-doing was involved and all of the commotion is a simple mistake then a reactivation will be handled. Just confirm with the rule book (Google Adsense Terms Of Service) first.
Who knew a long list of questionable actions could be at hand. Nevertheless examined to such an extent. When it comes to Google Adsense many may feel the restrictions and guidelines presented but, this is what helps to run a smooth ship. With a system running at full speed and several hundred/thousands of curators wanted to start earning a profit from their sites (multiple sites on a single account… now that you think about it) rules have to be met.
Hopefully you have not fallen into the victim pool of these outlandish myths and soon discover an easier understanding to Google AdSense.
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